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Die parfmierten Kerzen eignen sich ausgezeichnet als Geschenk. Sie knnen in transparente mens luxury watches in india dkny watches Klarsichtfolie eingeschlagen werden, die oben Raffibast oder einem Band zusammengehalten wird.锘縆eurig Green Mountain Inc NASDAQ
At the end of last week, shares of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR) jumped after their third quarter earnings report. Revenues for the quarter missed analyst expectations, for the third quarter out of the past four. Earnings per share beat a little. Green Mountain lowered guidance for the current fiscal year, ending in September, and announced guidance that was well below expectations for the fiscal year ending September 2013. I covered the earnings report that afternoon.
However, shares rallied heavily, mostly due to short covering, thanks to an announced stock buyback of $500 million. As I was writing my above mentioned article, Green Mountain shares, which closed that day at $17.91, had fallen to an after hours low just above $15 per share. But as I was finishing the article, shares were rallying dkny watches malaysia back to even, and eventually went positive, then spiked above $20. The next day (Thursday), shares closed at $22.66, the highest close since July 9th. Shares retreated a dollar on Friday, but still remained about 40% above the after hours low on Wednesday. But despite the huge rally, serious questions remain, and I'm here to discuss some of them today.
Growth has hit a wall:Green Mountain was known in recent years for its impressive growth rates. There were several quarters where year over year revenues increased by more than 60%, 70%, even three quarters where revenues more than doubled. But things have started to cool off, and extremely quickly. It's watches buy not surprising to see some sort of percentage decline, but this quickly is scary. That's quite dramatic.
Now I might remind you, that in late April of this year, just over 4 months ago, analysts were still expecting more than 61% revenue growth this year. Green Mountain reaffirmed its forecast when it reported in early February. Now, the company has stated that it has reworked the methods used to forecast future growth and give guidance, but since they've done that, they've issued what has amounted to two massive profit warnings. Last quarter they took down this year's forecast, and they did it again here. They also issued guidance for next year that was well below
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